Juniors | Pre Teen
Ages 9 - 13

Ballet | Pre-Pointe & Pointe
Ballet Thursdays 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Studio 1
Ballet Technique (Comp Team Only) Wednesday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Studio 1
Pre-Pointe Wednesday 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM Studio 2
Pointe Wednesday 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM Studio 1
Class Description:
Ballet is the dance form which provides the foundation for all other dance styles such as proper stance for alignment, positions of the arms and feet, as well as coordination through movements. Ballet vocabulary, this is fluent throughout all dance styles, will be taught through barre work, center floor exercises, & across the floor combinations!
Pointe technique is part of classical ballet technique. A ballet dancer supports all body weight on the tips of fully extended feet within pointe shoes. Extensive training and practice are required to develop the strength and technique needed for pointe work.
The Director will determine when your dancer is ready to add pointe to their curriculum.
Required Attire
Any color leotard with pink tights & pink canvas ballet shoes.
Hair in a clean, neat bun with hair out of the face!
Black shorts with any color plain shirt.
Black Ballet shoes.
If child has long hair, please have pulled back out of their face.

Thursdays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Studio 2
Thursdays 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Studio 2
Class Description
Tap is a popular form of dance that focuses on rhythm and intricate footwork, creating a percussion instrument out of the dancer's feet. Tap classes address technique, rhythm, syncopation and phrasing.
Required Attire
Any comfortable clothing are all allowed as long as it is appropriate, no jeans.
Black tap shoes.
Hair can be styled as you wish.
Anything comfortable as long as it is appropriate, no jeans.
Black tap shoes.

Wednesdays 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Studio 1
Class Description
Lyrical is a mix between ballet movements & jazz movements. Your child will learn how to incorporate story-telling while using proper technique in their movement.
Required Attire
Any form fitting athletic attire, tights optional.
Tan Jazz shoes or Pirouettes.
Hair neatly pulled back out of face!
Black shorts with any color plain shirt.
Tan jazz shoes or pirouettes.
If child has long hair, please have pulled back out of their face.

Wednesdays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Studio 2
Required Attire
Any form fitting athletic attire, tights optional.
Tan Jazz shoes.
Hair neatly pulled back out of face!
Black shorts with any color plain shirt.
Tan jazz shoes.
If child has long hair, please have pulled back out of their face.

Leaps & Turns
*Comp Team Only*
Mondays 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Studio 1
Class Description:
This class is intended to focus on technique, proper alignment, and body placement to execute and excel in various leaps & turns! This is a high energy class.
Required Attire
Any form fitting athletic attire, tights optional.
Tan Jazz shoes or Pirouettes.
Hair neatly pulled back out of face!
Black shorts with any color plain shirt.
Tan jazz shoes or pirouettes.
If child has long hair, please have pulled back out of their face.

Strength & Stretch
Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Studio 1
Class Description:
This class is geared specifically to work on your strength & flexibility which also helps with students leaps, jumps, tricks, & overall health!
Required Attire
Any form fitting athletic attire, tights optional.
Hair neatly pulled back out of face!
Black shorts with any color plain shirt.
If child has long hair, please have pulled back out of their face.

Hip-Hop Fusion
Mondays 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Studio 1
Class Description:
This is a high energy class. Your child will be introduced to moving and grooving with hip hop movements. Warm up, isolations, across the floor, & movement combos will all be incorporated in this class!
Required Attire
Any comfortable clothing such as sweatpants, leggings, gym shorts, t-shirts, etc are all allowed as long as it is appropriate.
Hair can be styled as you wish.
Anything comfortable as long as it is appropriate, except for jeans.

Tumbling & Acro
Tuesdays 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Studio 1
Class Description
Tumbling is a form of gymnastics performed without props or equipment, aka floor work in the gymnastics world. This class will help build strength & flexibility.
Required Attire
Any form fitting athletic attire, tights optional.
Hair neatly pulled back out of face but not on top of the head!
Black shorts with any color plain shirt.
If child has long hair, please have pulled back out of their face.